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陈默研究员2001年毕业于清华大学生物科学与技术系并获得学士学位, 之后就读于美国哥伦比亚大学生物系,2011年获得博士学位,研究选择性剪切在癌症中的作用。2012-2017年陈默在美国洛克菲勒大学进行博士后研究,探索转录因子和染色质蛋白在维持癌症生存中的功能。陈默于2017年底返回母校,入职清华大学医学院基础医学系,担任博士生导师。 陈默研究员长期从事基因表达调控研究,探索转录因子和表观遗传因子在癌症中的工作机理,并且在这些方面中取得了突出的成绩,发表多篇高水平的科研论文和专利。

•Liu X*, Liu X*, Du Y*, …, David CJ, Sun Q, Chen M#.Aberrant accumulation of Kras-dependent enhancer RNAs and PROMPTs during tumor progression renders cancer cells susceptible to PAF1 depletion. Cell Reports. 2023 Aug 11;42(8)

Chen M#. CircR-looping the leukemic translocations: The cause of MLL-translocations explained. Molecular Cell. 2023, Jul 6;83(13):2164-2166.

• Chen Q, Cevher MA, Jiang Q, Wang S , Sun XJ, Roeder RG#, Chen M#. LYL1 facilitates AETFC assembly and gene activation by recruiting CARM1 in t(8;21) AML. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A.2022 Oct 18;119(42).

•Liu X, Guo Z, Han J;Peng B; Zhang B; Li H; Hu X; David CJ; Chen M#. The PAF1 complex promotes 3’ processing of pervasive transcripts. Cell Reports 2022 March 15, 38(11).

•Li Y, He Y., Peng J, Su Z, Li Z, Zhang B, Ma J, Zhuo M, Zou D, Liu X, Wang W, Huang D, Xu M, Wang J, Deng H, Xue J, Xie W, Lan X,Chen M, Zhao Y, Wu W and David CJ. Mutant Kras co-opts a proto-oncogenic enhancer network in inflammation-induced metaplastic progenitor cells to initiate pancreatic cancer. Nature Cancer. 2021 2: 49–65

•David CJ, Huang Y,Chen M, Su J, Zou Y, Bardeesy N, Iacobuzio-Donahue CA, Massagué J.TGF-β Tumor Suppression Through A Lethal EMT. Cell. 2016 Feb 25;164(5):1015-30.

•Zhu N,Chen M, Eng R, Sinha AU, Rahnamay NF, Koche R, Al-Shahrour F, Minehart JC, Chen CW, Deshpande AJ, Xu H, S. Chu H, Ebert BL, Roeder RG, Armstrong SA. Jmjd1c is required for MLL-AF9 and HOXA9 Mediated AML Stem Cell Self-Renewal. J Clin Invest. 2016 Mar 1;126(3):997-1011.

Chen M, Zhu N, Liu X, Laurent B, Tang Z, Eng R, Shi Y, Armstrong SA, Roeder RG. JMJD1C is required for the survival of acute myeloid leukemia by functioning as a coactivator for key transcription factors. Genes Dev. 2015 Oct 15;29(20):2123-39.

Chen M, David CJ, Manley JL(2012).Concentration-dependent control of pyruvate kinase M mutually exclusive splicing by hnRNP proteins.Nat Struct Mol Biol.19(3):346-54.

•David CJ#,Chen M#,Assanah M, Canoll P, Manley JL (2010) HnRNP proteins controlled by c-Myc deregulate pyruvate kinase mRNA splicing in cancer.Nature463: 364-8. * These authors contributed equally to this work.

Chen M,Manley JL (2009). Mechanisms of alternative splicing regulation: insights from molecular and genomics approaches.Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol.10(11):741-54.

•Feng Y,Chen M, Manley JL (2008). Phosphorylation switches the general splicing repressor SRp38 to a sequence-specific activator.Nat Struct Mol Biol.15(10):1040-8.


Manley JL,Chen M, David CJ, Zhang J. Inhibitory RNAs to RNA binding proteins hnRNPA1, hnRNPA2 and PTB and uses thereof. US Patent 9,206,426, 8/12/2015

