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E-mail: guanxiangliang at tsinghua.edu.cn

Tel: 010-62783887

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梁冠翔博士于2011年毕业于西北农林科技大学获得学士学位,2015年毕业于加拿大阿尔伯塔大学获得博士学位,于2016年加入宾夕法尼亚大学医学院进行博士后研究。梁冠翔博士长期从事人类病毒组,微生物组,以及生物信息学等研究。近年来在Nature, Cell Host & Microbe, Genome Biology, mBio, Nature Reviews Microbiology等发表论文30多篇。梁冠翔博士于2021年加入清华大学医学院任助理教授,博士生导师。

病毒在全球环境中拥有最多的,大约10^ 31的个体数。病毒组一般指某种特定环境下所有病毒的集合,是微生物组的重要组成部分。病毒组主要包括能够感染真核细胞的病毒和感染细菌的噬菌体。人类对于能够引起人类或动物疾病的病毒已经进行了数十年的研究,而对于病毒群体整体研究一直不够深入。近年来随着相关技术的发展,越来越多的证据显示人类病毒组拥有巨大的多样性和异质性,并且与人类健康息息相关,成为了潜在的致病原因或治疗靶标。




Liang G, Gao H, Bushman FD The pediatric virome in health and disease. Cell Host Microbe. 2022 May 11;30(5):639-649.

Liang G, Cobián-Güemes AC, Albenberg L, Bushman FD The gut virome in inflammatory bowel diseases. Current Opinion Virology. 2021 Dec;51:190-198

Merenstein C, Liang G, Whiteside SA, Cobián-Güemes AG, Merlino MS, Taylor LJ, Glascock A, Bittinger K, Tanes C, Graham-Wooten J, Khatib LA, Fitzgerald AS, Reddy S, Baxter AE, Giles JR, Oldridge DA, Meyer NJ, Wherry EJ, McGinniss JE, Bushman FD, Collman RG. (2021) Signatures of COVID-19 Severity and Immune Response in the Respiratory Tract Microbiome. mBio. e0177721.

Bushman F, Liang G. (2021) Assembly of the virome in newborn human infants. Current Opinion Virology. 2021 Jun;48:17-22. doi: 10.1016/j.coviro.2021.03.004.

Liang G, Bushman FD. (2021) The human virome: assembly, composition and host interactions. Nature Review Microbiology. 2021 Aug;19(8):514-527.

Liang G, Zhao C, Zhang H, Mattei L, Kessler L, Sherrill-Mix S, Bittinger K, Wu G, Baldassano R, DeRusso P, Ford E, Elovitz M, Gerber J, Kelly A, Zemel A, Bushman FD. (2020) Step-wise assembly of the neonatal virome modulated by breast feeding. Nature 2020 Apr 15;1–5.Z.

Liang G, Conrad M, Kelsen J, Kessler L, Breton J, Albenberg L, Marakos S, Galgano A, Devas N, Erlichman J, Zhang H, Mattei L, Bittinger K, Baldassano R, Bushman FD. (2020) The dynamics of the gut virome in very early onset inflammatory bowel disease. Journal of Crohn’s and Colitis jjaa094, doi.org/10.1093/ecco-jcc/jjaa094

Malmuthuge N, Liang G, Guan LL. (2019) Regulation of rumen development in neonatal ruminants through microbial metagenomes and host transcriptomes. Genome Biology 23;20(1):172. doi: 10.1186/s13059-019-1786-0.

Nandi S, Liang G, Sindhava V, Basu A, Zhang Y, Angireddy R, Avadhani N, Atchison ML. (2020) YY1 Control of Mitochondrial-Related Genes does not Account for Regulation of Immunoglobulin Class Switch Recombination. European Journal of Immunology doi.org/10.1002/eji.201948385.

Aggarwala V, Liang G, Bushman FD. (2017) Viral communities of the human gut: metagenomic analysis of composition and dynamics. Mobile DNA 2017 Oct 3;8:12

Liang G, Malmuthuge N, Bao H, Griebel PJ, Stothard P, Guan LL. (2016) Transcriptome analysis reveals regional and temporal differences in mucosal immune system development in the small intestine of neonatal calves. BMC Genomics doi: 10.1186/s128640162957y.

Liang G, Malmuthuge N, Ren Y, Griebel PJ, Guan LL. (2016) Altered microRNA expression and pre-mRNA splicing events reveal new mechanisms associated with early stage Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis infection. Scientific Reports 22;6:24964. doi: 10.1038/srep24964.

Liang G, Malmuthuge N, McFadden TB, Bao H, Griebel PJ, Stothard P, Guan LL. (2014) Potential Regulatory Role of MicroRNAs in the Development of Bovine Gastrointestinal Tract during Early Life. PLoS ONE 9(3): e92592. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0092592.

Liang G, Malmuthuge N, Guan LL, Griebel PJ (2014) Model systems to analyze the role of miRNAs and commensal microflora in bovine mucosal immune system development. Molecular Immunology doi:10.1016/j.molimm.2014.10.014.


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Tel: 010-62783887

E-mail: guanxiangliang at tsinghua.edu.cn