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E-mail: JFLiu@mail.tsinghua.edu.cn

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他与临床研究团队合作,利用创新的耐受性检测方法,对耐甲氧西林金黄葡萄球菌(MRSA)在接受抗生素治疗的病人体内的进化进行了系统分析。在国际上,首次发现了病人体内的病原菌对抗生素耐受性和抗药性的进化关系,并阐明了抑制型抗生素联合治疗在病菌进化过程中的作用原理。这对理解耐受性及抗药性的进化起源,及预防和治疗耐受性和抗药性相关的细菌感染疾病有重要的参考意义。相关研究论文发表在Science杂志上(第一作者),被科学美国人,耶路撒冷邮报等媒体报道,并受到专业科学评论媒体Faculty Opinions推荐。

1.Liu, J.-F., Gefen, O., Zhang, Z.-Y., Liu, M.-M., Bar-Meir, M., and Balaban, N.Q. (2022). "Interaction Tolerance Detection Test for Understanding the Killing Efficacy of Directional Antibiotic Combinations". mBio 13(1), e00004-00022.

2.Liu, Jiafeng, Orit Gefen, Irine Ronin, Maskit Bar-Meir, and Nathalie Q. Balaban. 2020. “Effect of Tolerance on the Evolution of Antibiotic Resistance under Drug Combinations.” Science 367(6474):200–204.

3.Zhao, Yanna, Boyan Lv, Fengqi Sun, Liu Jiafeng, Yan Wang, Yuanyuan Gao, Feng Qi, Zengyi Chang, and Xinmiao Fu. 2020. “Rapid Freezing Enables Aminoglycosides To Eradicate Bacterial Persisters via Enhancing Mechanosensitive Channel MscL-Mediated Antibiotic Uptake.” MBio 11(1).

4.Nathalie Q. Balaban and Liu Jiafeng. 2019. “Evolution Under Antibiotic Treatments: Interplay Between Antibiotic Persistence, Tolerance, and Resistance.” Pp. 1–17 in Persister Cells and Infectious Disease. Springer. (Invited book Chapter).

5.Liu Jiafeng, Orit Gefen and Nathalie Q. Balaban. 2017. “Tackling Antibiotic Resistance with Systems-Level Perspective”, Cell Syst. Cell Press, 5(6), 546–548. (Invited opinion paper).

6.Liu Jiafeng, Xinmiao Fu, and Zengyi Chang. 2016. “A Reciprocating Motion-Driven Rotation Mechanism for the ATP Synthase.” Science China Life Sciences 59(1):44–48.

7.Liu Jiafeng, Xinmiao Fu, and Zengyi Chang. 2015. “Hypoionic Shock Treatment Enables Aminoglycosides Antibiotics to Eradicate Bacterial Persisters.” Scientific Reports 5:14247.

8.Fu, Xinmiao, Xiaodong Shi, Linxiang Yin, Liu Jiafeng, Keehyoung Joo, Jooyoung Lee, and Zengyi Chang. 2013. “Small Heat Shock Protein IbpB Acts as a Robust Chaperone in Living Cells by Hierarchically Activating Its Multi-Type Substrate-Binding Residues.” The Journal of Biological Chemistry 288(17):11897–906.


